SWS Wasserfilteranlagen Deutschland

Water rethought! Discover our SWS premium water filtration systems

SWS Wasserfilteranlagen für den Wasserhahn im Haushalt
SWS Wasserfilteranlagen für den Wasserhahn im Haushalt

SWS-water filtration systems

Water rethought! Discover our SWS premium water filtration systems

Swiss Water Systems – refreshingly different

Fresh water supply made easy

The original source of all things

Drinking water is as crucial to us as the air we breathe, and how clean it is, is essential to how well our bodies absorb and benefit from it. Pure, cellular water promotes our health, increases our well-being and lightens the burden on our metabolism.

Our most precious resource

Swiss Water Systems has made it their mission to remove all polluting residues from our drinking water and make this technology available to everyone.  The Swiss Water Systems purification plants do  more than just provide „clean water“.


SWS Wasserfilteranlage Vorfilter

Water –
pure energy

By way of our premium water filtration systems which use a multistage filtration process you gain pure, energized and structured water. For this, our purification plants rely on the complex process of reverse osmosis, which has its origins in space travel and was developed by NASA in the 1960s.

More information about our water filtration systems …


Water – Source of Life

More and more people are seeking a responsible lifestyle. This includes the careful use of natural resources and a life in harmony with nature and one’s own body. Swiss Water Systems water filtration plants help achieve this goal.

These are the benefits to your health …

SWS gefiltertes Wasser aus dem Wasserfiltersystem ist pure Energie

NEW: SWS Solar panel water filtration system

Are you looking for a mobile water filter for camping or the outdoors?

The SWS before and after effect

Healthy water thanks to our multistage premium water filtration system

Ohne SWS-FiltersystemeMit SWS-Filtersysteme
Ohne SWS-FiltersystemeMit SWS-Filtersysteme
SWS Wasserfiltersysteme für zuhause in der Küche

Are you ready for change?

Would you like to continue to be in great health and start each day bursting with energy? Then get in touch with us immediately. We will be happy to answer all your questions about our water filtration systems free of charge.

SWS Premium water filtration systems

Here we offer you an overview of our systems for your home and abroad

Smart Travel Kit…

SWS Wasserfilteranlage RK

Basic Allrounder for your travels …

SWS Wasserfilteranlage AR12

Top Allrounder for overall flexibility…

SWS Wasserfilteranlage AR24

For your highest standards at home…

SWS Wasserfilteranlage GS

Unlimited options

The perfect solution for every situation 

Swiss Water Systems purification systems offer the perfect solution for every situation. Regardless of your living situation, we give you access to pure, energized and structured drinking water.

Decide for yourself whether you prefer a permanently installed system in your home or a transportable system as a travel companion. All this is posible because of the  flexibel application options of our systems!

SWS Wasserfilteranlagen Osmose
SWS-Kontakt Sebastian Ballner-Kirchner für den Gastrobereich

Do you perhaps need a gastronomy concept?

Not only can you benefit from our premium water filtration systems at home, but also in your company. Our gastro concept makes it possible to create 100% customized systems that give your guests or employees access to pure, cellular water. Our systems are a unique workplace investment opportunity to increase productivity and quality.

Better decisions are made together

Our experts are here for you

You are new to the topic of water and water filters? Well then we recommend our blog by our experts. In short and concise blog articles we have answered the most frequently asked questions and provided you with the most important information about the complex topic of water filtration systems.

We have gathered our experts‘ know-how from various industries in order to explain the relevant basics to you in a way that is easy to understand. If any of your questions still remain unanswered, our experts will be happy to assist you and address your individual concerns.

SWS Wasserfilteranlage Vorfilter


Es gibt sie mittlerweile in allen erdenklichen Formen, Farben und Ausführungen: Wasserfilter! Doch wie sinnvoll sind sie wirklich? In welcher Situation braucht man einen Wasserfilter? Welche Arten an Wasserfiltern gibt es? Wie wirkt sich ein Wasserfilter auf die Qualität des Wassers aus? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gefiltertem und aufbereitetem Wasser?

SWS Wasserfilteranlagen Osmose


Was ist überhaupt Osmose bzw. eine Osmoseanlage? Wie funktioniert sie? Ist Osmosewasser schädlich für den menschlichen Organismus? Was gilt es bei der Auswahl, dem Anschluss und der Verwendung einer Osmoseanlage zu beachten? Die Antworten, die man auf diese Fragen findet, beruhen leider zu häufig auf Halbwissen.

SWS Premium Wasserfilter für Camping und Outdoor
Wasserfilter Outdoor

Wasserfilter Outdoor

Wasser ist für jeden Menschen lebensnotwendig, egal in welcher Situation er sich gerade befindet. Gerade in einem unbekannten Umfeld wie beispielsweise im Urlaub, auf Reisen oder auch bei verschiedenen Outdoor-Aktivitäten ist es daher wichtig, auf eine gute Trinkwasserversorgung zu achten. Aber welche Möglichkeiten zur mobilen Wasseraufbereitung gibt es?

We are happy to share our knowledge with you!

Seminars and presentations

You would like to study the topic of water in more detail? You are interested in the functioning of the human body and would like to learn more about the importance and effect of pure, cellular drinking water? Would you like more information about how our premium water filtration systems work? We are happy to share our knowledge with you!

The educational work around the topic of water supply is a matter of the heart to our team. That is why it is particularly important for us to be there for you. If you want to benefit from our expertise and learn more about our elixir of life, take advantage of our range of seminars and lectures. We will also be happy to advise you on site, distance permitting. Alternatively, we are of course also able to conduct seminars and lectures online.

Have we awakened your interest? Use our contact form and send us an inquiry that does not commit you to anything. If others around you are interested, seminars and lectures can of course also be designed as group events. Just let us know in your inquiry how many participants are involved. In addition, we can offer to test your water for free as part of our seminars, lectures and consulting sessions.