Your sustainable drinking water filtration system
Our premium water filtration systems combine sustainability and drinking water
… the content is essential!
The quality of drinking water is on a steady decline …
Drinking water – we take it for granted
Many people who strive for a conscious and sustainable lifestyle pay no or very little attention to the topic of water. Blind trust is detrimental to you and your health. Especially with regard to the quality of drinking water, there is significant potential that will never be exploited if you do not critically question the public narrative. So our appeal to you is to investigate the issue, question data and information, and put yourself in the valuable position of being able to form your own informed opinion. At SWS, we have made it our mission to support you in critically dealing with the topic of drinking water.
Sustainabiltiy and water – These two terms are usually only mentioned in the same breath when discussing the use of plastic bottles. However, we believe that the discussion should not start with the packaging, but with the content. The quality of water is steadily decreasing as more and more impurities are washed in. These contaminants do not necessarily result from improper disposal, but also occur due to special natural events. Severe deluges, tsunamis and floods, for example, can worsen our water quality by causing germs to form in stagnant water or by washing large amounts of fertilizer from flooded fields into the water. Overall, however, we should be concerned about the amount of chemical products and residues in our water.
Don't let yourself be fooled:
There is a big difference between good water and optimal water. SWS refining plants provide you not merely with good water, but with optimal water.
The drinking water you receive with the help of our extensive treatment process is absolutely pure and cellular. This means that your organism can optimally use the supplied water to promote the self-regulating powers of your body.
Don’t settle for just “good”, but live up to your high expectations.
Take advantage of our offer and we will support you on the way to a considerably increased sense of well-being.
The potential of our elixir of life
Pure, cell-compatible drinking water does not have to be the exception -.
You hold it in your hands.
The water suppliers’ dilemma
Water suppliers are commercial businesses that must use limited financial resources to make a profit. However, much of the water that flows through your household connection is not used as drinking water. It is hardly surprising that the relevant companies tend to orient themselves to predefined minimum standards rather than offering an optimal product. Even though it is always emphasized in public that we have the best tap water in the D-A-CH area, this statement is misleading. In the debate, a relative comparison is created, but just because a country has the best tap water when compared to other countries, this does not mean that it is also the best water for you and your body.
The issue of sustainability is at the heart of our society and is often the topic of many heated debates. As a company, it is important to us that we live up to our responsibility in this area. Even though water supply may be taken for granted, access to optimal drinking water is far from being a given. We would like to sensitize you to this topic and show you what dangers, but also what potential, is hidden in our elixir of life. See our offer as a chance to escape avoidable disease patterns, to support your own body in its functions and to enjoy noticeably more quality of life.
What is healthy water?
In this context, one often comes across articles about alkaline water. However, you should be careful here and critically question the information presented. Alkaline water can be useful in the context of a temporary cure, but should never be consumed permanently.
Excessive consumption leads to an impairment of your own bodily functions, so that you harm yourself in the long term. Alkaline water is always to be considered as a remedy and therefore should be used with caution.
We therefore recommend that you always inform yourself carefully before using this product and, if possible, also seek advice from an expert.
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