SWS Wasserfilteranlagen Deutschland

Competent, approachable, people-orientated

Our experts talk on their blogs about premium water filter systems & water treatement 

Get to know more about us as people and about our motivation to get involved in this field. We look forward to sharing our knowledge with you and accompanying you on this exciting journey. Together with us dive into the wonderful world of water.

Environmental healthcare professional meets gourmet chef= PERFECT MATCH

Patricia Kirchner & Sebastian Ballner-Kirchner

Experten-Blog Wasserfilteranlagen Patricia und Sebastian

An overal healthy life style that especially focuses on high quality nutrition not only at home but also in our professional lives is of the utmost importance to us.

Patricia Kirchner, environmental health care professional and naturopath

As a professional in this field I focus on the holistic interaction of body, mind and soul. Anyone who knows me knows that I only make recommendations if I can back them up 100% – the Swiss Water Systems refinement systems definitely meet this requirement and the use of the premium water filter system is a central part of my everyday life.

Sebastian Ballner-Kirchner, gourmet chef

As a gourmet and chef, quality and taste are my top priorities. For me, conscious nutrition is the way I live my life every day. High-quality ingredients are essential for me both in restaurants and in my private kitchen. Swiss Water Systems gives me the opportunity to maintain this attitude when it comes to water.

Together we want to make the natural elixir of life, pure, cellular water – uncomplicated, genuine and charming –  accessible to as many people as possible! 


Ulrike Kirchner

Experten-Blog Wasserfilteranlagen Ulrike

My profession as a naturopath, my connection with nature and my striving for a sustainable, healthy lifestyle have by its very nature drawn me to the topic of water. My fascination with the natural elixir of life has grown stronger over the years, and to make this topic part of my everyday professional life was a logical step for me.

I am dedicated to offering people a new perspective and showing them new ways – always with the goal of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. I have been able to acquire a wealth of knowledge over the years, which I have been sharing with my family, my friends and my patients.

You too are welcome to benefit from this knowledge!

Benefit from our expert knowledge as well

The Blog by our SWS Experts

What we want to achieve with our expert blog is to give you the basics on the topic of water and water filtration systems. By providing the necessary knowledge we want you to be able to build your own informed opinion. Our objective is to enable you to make the best possible decision for your drinking water supply.

SWS Wasserfilteranlage Vorfilter


Es gibt sie mittlerweile in allen erdenklichen Formen, Farben und Ausführungen: Wasserfilter! Doch wie sinnvoll sind sie wirklich? In welcher Situation braucht man einen Wasserfilter? Welche Arten an Wasserfiltern gibt es? Wie wirkt sich ein Wasserfilter auf die Qualität des Wassers aus? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gefiltertem und aufbereitetem Wasser?

SWS Wasserfilteranlagen Osmose


Was ist überhaupt Osmose bzw. eine Osmoseanlage? Wie funktioniert sie? Ist Osmosewasser schädlich für den menschlichen Organismus? Was gilt es bei der Auswahl, dem Anschluss und der Verwendung einer Osmoseanlage zu beachten? Die Antworten, die man auf diese Fragen findet, beruhen leider zu häufig auf Halbwissen.

SWS Premium Wasserfilter für Camping und Outdoor
Wasserfilter Outdoor

Wasserfilter Outdoor

Wasser ist für jeden Menschen lebensnotwendig, egal in welcher Situation er sich gerade befindet. Gerade in einem unbekannten Umfeld wie beispielsweise im Urlaub, auf Reisen oder auch bei verschiedenen Outdoor-Aktivitäten ist es daher wichtig, auf eine gute Trinkwasserversorgung zu achten. Aber welche Möglichkeiten zur mobilen Wasseraufbereitung gibt es?