SWS Wasserfilteranlagen Deutschland

Unlimited application options – the perfect solution for every situation!

SWS Wasserfilter für Ihre Gesundheit & Ernährung

Unlimited application options

The perfect solution for every situation!

Swiss Water Systems is committed to providing EVERYONE with access to pure, energized and structured drinking water. That is why, in addition to systems that are installed in your home, we also offer easy-to-transport versions of our premium water filtration systems.

Whether in a rented apartment, in your own home or while traveling – Swiss Water Systems purification systems offer you unlimited application options. Enjoy drinking water of superior quality in any situation.


The perfect addition to your new home 

You are building your home? You are planning your new kitchen? Then take advantage of this unique opportunity and choose pure, energized and structured water right from the start. Our premium water filtration systems are the perfect addition to your new home. Whether as a permanent fixture or transportable in a high-quality case, we have the perfect solution for you. Don’t hesitate, let’s make this game-changing decision together – to feel more alive – everyday.

The ideal solution within your own four walls

Whether you are living in your own or rented home, we have the suitable premium water filtration system for you. If required, the Swiss Water Systems’ purification systems can also be installed without structural changes – the perfect solution when renting. Should you have the option, we also offer to install a separate tap for easy usage. The pure, cellular water produced from the extensive filtration process uses a sealed system so it doesn’t have to flow through the contaminated pipes of your regular tap water.

The ideal solution within your own four walls

Whether you own or rent, we have the right premium water filtration system for you. If required, the Swiss Water Systems’ purification systems can also be installed without structural changes – the perfect solution when renting. Should you have the option, we also offer to install a separate tap for easy usage. The pure, cellular water produced from the extensive filtration process uses a sealed system so it doesn’t have to flow through the contaminated pipes of your regular tap water.

The portable system
to optimally supply you with water on the go.

Whether you are on vacation or on a business trip, Swiss Water Systems’ portable devices give you access to pure, cellular water wherever you go. Our premium water filtration systems can use a wide variety of water sources and will provide you with the optimal water regardless of your location, whether you want to use tap water from your hotel room or a natural water source such as a lake. Even the strongest impurities are filtered out of your water by our systems. The result: 100% pure, energized and structured drinking water.

100 % adjustable to your individual needs

The perfect system for many different applications according to your needs.

The reverse osmosis process, which is an essential part of our premium water filtration systems, was developed by NASA in the 1960s to solve the problem of water treatment in space.

Bring space technology to your home with our Swiss Water Systems refinement systems.